Redsun Labyrinth

A sacred space in a secret garden

A stone labyrinth with a tall tree just beyond the center, lush vegetation along the outer circle, with beautiful mountain views and blue skies in the distance

Redsun Labyrinth is a 108 foot, 11-circuit stone labyrinth surrounded by lush gardens and spectacular views of the Bitterroot Mountains.

Features: A labyrinth, gardens, and benches.

Accessibility info and site description: Redsun Labyrinth is located on private property in Victor and is open to the public from 9am to 6pm. There are a couple of roadside signs to help guide your way from US-93 to the residence. Pull into the driveway and look for the red "park here" sign on the right, where there is room for two or three vehicles. Head to the entrance gate and follow the graveled driveway up the hill between the houses, where you'll find an arch with a bulletin board, brochures, and a donation box. $3 is the recommended amount to help with maintenance and expenses.

Continue the .1 mile walk uphill through the various gardens and gates. The path begins with a wooden boardwalk, followed by mulch, and finally dirt and grass. The paths are firm, mostly even, and continue steadily up a hill. There is one chained gate (see photos) to keep the deer out, so be sure to close it behind you. The landscape then opens up, where there are some old benches on the left, the small public outhouse on the right, and the entrance gate to the labyrinth straight ahead. The labyrinth is surrounded by tall, lush gardens, making it feel like a safely enclosed space. Stone benches line the outer circle. The entrance to the labyrinth's path is to the left of the entrance on the east side, which is also where you'll find the best view. The walking path inside the labyrinth is just over three feet wide and lined with large field stones. Total distance from the labyrinth path's entrance to the center of the labyrinth and back out is .8 mile.

My experience: Patty and Helmut Meyer built this labyrinth and opened it to the public in 2000. Patty has since passed, but her beautiful vision and legacy lives on. From the moment you enter the first gate, it feels as though you are walking through a secret garden, and you can feel that this path is leading you somewhere special. Past the last gate, the gardens surrounding the labyrinth make you feel safely held within this sacred space. This is a place of tranquility and serenity, and it was Patty's belief that the labyrinth meets everyone where they are; their experience is a reflection of their unique beliefs. All are welcome here. It is a "place of possibilities" to reconnect with the earth and one's Self. You can choose to follow the labyrinth path for a walking meditation, or sit on one of the benches and take in the beautiful view . This is a quiet location, and I imagine the limited parking keeps the number of simultaneous visitors to a minimum. Thank you to Patty and Helmut Meyer for creating such a beautiful space and allowing visitors to appreciate its beauty too.

Overall, Redsun Labyrinth is a serene must-see in the Bitterroot Valley. Visit this sacred space to reflect, reconnect, and heal, or to simply enjoy the garden, views, and unique charm of this special location!


For more information, visit the Redsun Labyrinth website at:


National Bison Range