Salmon Lake State Park
A wheelchair accessible picnic site with lake and mountain views
Salmon Lake State Park is a day use recreation area nestled between the Mission and Swan Mountain ranges, featuring an accessible picnic site, fishing docks, and a nature trail.
Features: A wheelchair accessible viewing platform, covered picnic shelters, two docks, boat ramp, swimming area, and a hiking trail to the campground.
Accessibility info and site description: Salmon Lake State Park is easy to find just off Hwy 83, 45 miles from Missoula and 8 miles south of Seeley Lake. After turning into the parking lot, follow the blue sign to the accessible picnic site to the left. Here, there is one accessible parking space in front of the entrance sign, and two accessible restrooms and a bench to the right. To the left, the sidewalk leads to a covered picnic table and a viewing platform for wheelchair users. This small cement platform overlooks the lake and the mountains.
The boat ramp and two docks are to the left of this accessible area, down a hill through the parking lot. There is also a small, flat gravel beach on either side of the docks. Swimming is not allowed near the boat ramp for safety reasons, and there is a separate swimming area that is marked with a floating orange and white barrier during the summer months. This swimming area, along with other beach areas along the lake, are downhill with some tripping hazards. There are multiple additional parking areas and picnic tables spread throughout the park. The nature trail is located on the far right side of the park, next to the last small parking area up on a hill. This trail is a narrow dirt game trail that starts by going up a steep hill, and spans a quarter mile to the campground.

My experience: Salmon Lake State Park was a pleasant surprise, and proof that it is possible to design outdoor spaces with Disabled people in mind! It's a great opportunity for people of all abilities to enjoy a picnic and the beautiful views. I do, however, wish that swimming was allowed at the flat beach beside the docks, or that the designated swim/beach areas were as flat and accessible as the beach by the docks. There were a few folks fishing when I visited, and it was pretty quiet despite being next to the road. The way the park is laid out, with multiple smaller parking areas that have several picnic tables each, means that visitors can be a little more spread out. I also appreciated that there is an opportunity for a short hike here. I did not explore the nature trail during my visit, but I imagine it has some nice views of the lake and mountains!
Overall, Salmon Lake State Park is a great little getaway 45 minutes from Missoula, just off the road, with minimal walking required. Take in the view at the wheelchair accessible viewing platform, have a picnic, or explore the opportunities for fishing, swimming, and hiking!
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